Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Problem With Sparknotes

Yo yo. I used to hit up sparknotes when I didn't have time to read an assigned book. Who am I kidding? I always had time, but I ain't doing that reading stuff.

I'd usually walk into class and be like, "Yo, 6012, did you 'spark it up' last night?"

She would always respond, "Yes."

In case you are wondering, 'sparking it up' = reading sparknotes.


Let's get to the point now: students visit sparknotes to avoid reading, but many of these 'notes' are a lot of reading as well.

The solution?

**Spoiler Alert**
It's easy, GoodNotes gives you the gist so you can nod your head along with just enough confidence to not seem like a complete retard dumb dick.

Crime and Punishment - Man asks self, "Can I kill?"

Heart of Darkness - European man decides that Africa sucks and that he hates it.

The Catcher in the Rye - Kid thinks about the past then goes to the nut house.

The Giver - Kid hangs out with old man then runs away from home.

The Pearl - Don't be greedy because you'll end up shooting your baby.

The Odyssey - Man goes away for a long time and experiences a lot of things. Then he comes back and his dog knows it's him.

Night - The holocaust fucking sucked!

Great Expectations - Young orphan grows up and becomes a gentleman.

The Scarlet Letter - She cheated, and boy, did she pay!

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn - Crazy kid does crazy shit, all of the time.

Oedipus Rex - Main character is informed about what will happen, and then it happens.

The Great Gatsby - Rich man throws huge benders, then gets shot.

Possibly more to come.