Thursday, January 28, 2010

Survivors of Nuclear Blast find comfort in craigslist support group

His testimony was horrifying. Mr. James Nichols: "It all happened in a flash. I was sitting in my room reading Satre, and the next thing I knew the earth began to shake. I saw a bright light through my window. The next thing I remember, I was laying on the floor and I felt like I was on fire.

Mr. Nichols added, "For a few years, I was a social outcast. My entire body had been damaged. But then I saw the posting on craigslist. It was a support group where no one felt pity. We all just meet and hang out, no pretense. And I knew it just felt right. Now I can sit around with my new buddies and discuss Chomksy, Agro-politics, and the Space Program.

It's nice to know that even if your body gets charred and destroyed from intense radiation, you can still find a support group to sit around and drink away the pain. I wonder if this is what Hiroshima or Nagasaki looked like at the end of the war...

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