Wednesday, September 16, 2009

**New!!! Noth, you? Character Study **New!!!

The Noth, you? team has initiated phase one of what we'd like to call: "Character Study".

It has come to our attention that many people can be categorized into basic archetypes. You may meet a jackass in Massachusetts, then drive to Montana to find a very similar jackass.

Today's Character Study: The 'say the same thing to you every time I see you guy'.

This guy could be one or all of three things: forgetful, one who thinks all are forgetful, or just that unoriginal.

The simplest example of this type of jackass is a guy/girl who will tell you the same story, or same set of instructions, more than twice.

This next example will overlap with another type of character, which will be mentioned in the next post. This example includes Comment Guy. This guy just has to say something to you no matter what. Comment guy becomes "say the same thing every time I see you guy" when he runs out of annoying comments to make.
Now the example: I arrive to work. Larry sarcastically asks, "you still work here?" Needless to say, he will say this again next time. Then he will say it again. And again.

If you, or someone you know, is a "comment guy" or a "say the same thing every time I see you guy", please try to remember that you being stupid does not mean that everyone else is stupid. Trust the brains of the others around you. They'll remember what you said. Especially if you say it every day.

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