Monday, January 11, 2010

Metal Monday!

El Benda Presents: Metal Monday

Topic: On Stage Presence

First Band: Children of Bodom:

Here is a good taste of this band that both I and 6012 enjoy. These dudes are a fun show to check out. Additionally, tons of unintentional awesomeness ensues live, including

-keyboardist casually drinking beer while playing insane keyboard solo with one hand, all in a nonchalant manner
-lead singer/lead guitarist jumping around and doing karate kicks
-[best part] Lead singer using "motherfuck- [suffix]" in between every word said when talking to the audience.

"[Home city of El Benda] Motherfucking parties mfing harder mf than anyone. Im mfing drunk and mfing gonna shred guitar. BODOM HATE CREW! YELLLL!

There's more but you need to see them live for full effect.

Another winning track. They do covers too!

Band 2:

Skeletonwitch is easily one of my current favorite metal bands. I'm a huge fan of their first LP, "Beyond the Permafrost" and their new album, "Breathing the Fire" is equally awesome. I had a chance to see these dudes play at Scion Rock Fest last year in Atlanta, and they destroyed. Easily one of the best acts I saw that day (and I saw some pretty 'big' acts there too). These dudes flat out play, and they do a great job of playing for the crowd (i.e feeding off crowd's energy).

In particualr, the lead singer was awesome. Along with typical positioning (mock shooting a gun, swinging the mic, etc) , he would actively talk to the crowd and offer delightful insights. The highlight, however, was

"Smoke Weed!
Ride Motorcycles!
Eat Pussy!
[raspy voice] LISTEN TO HEAVY METAL"


Keep Rocking!

1 comment:

K said...

This post was almost as metal as this dude: