Friday, December 18, 2009


I was reading through an art book the other day (Yes, I actually have some culture and class) and I came across a painting I liked. Specifically, it made me nostalgic to the masochism of one particular project I completed in 2007.

Many years ago, when I was pursuing higher education [completed too, YEAH SUCKERZZ], I had a final project where the only task was 'make an animation." A lot of kids did brief, two second animations for their 'production company', which clearly was fitting. Make a logo for a company that you will never run or have.

I took a different route. I drew inspiration from my ADD'ed out brain and an affinity of art. So this is what the final product looked like:

Why is this important?

1) It's funny. Really funny.
2) Now with inspirado, I am going to start making some more. And guess where I'll be posting them?


Oh, and this blog too.

Happy friday (well, technically its my 'wednesday')
-el benda

1 comment:

XYZ123 said...

First Class Voice Acting. I'd expect nothing less!