Friday, August 14, 2009

Color Me Impressed

thanks to technology, I'm never alone. Everyone's connected and it's fantastic! For instance, I bet you didnt know that right now Good, 6012, and El Benda are having a conference call, an we're each in different counties. Yep, we're discussing the finer points of eating a club sandwich.

But I'm amazing at multitasking. Let me tell you what I'm doing RIGHT NOW during this conference call. I'm twittering this facebook blogspot youtube from my crackberry as i wait for my Chinese Fried Lice. Mmm. MMM. Good. Ask Jeeves, he knows.

When we are done discussing the sandwich, I'm going to bring up this contention: Do you get bonus life points if you are a 40-something woman (who actively seeks out younger men) AND you drive a Mercury Cougar? I say no. Frankly, I got scared half-to-death yesterday when I saw a cougar driving a cougar with a cougar in the front seat. I thank god that I survived that encounter.

I'll end this post by saying that the only good thing about it was the title. The rest is mere hogwash poopcrap.

1 comment:

XYZ123 said...

It's ok. At least it didnt coin the slogan "Our Wurst is the Best!"