Rip Van Winkle - verb, to be used when you sleep for more than 8.5 hours in one session. Especially appropriate if you feel groggy or tired after you wake up, even though you've gotten more than the 'necessary' amount of sleep.
This term of course comes from the folk tale of Rip Van Winkle, the friendly tale of a miser who went to the woods to nap (who does that?). He wakes up many years later and returns to his village to find, as Notorious BIG put it, "the game done changed."
Acceptable Uses;
Rip Van Winkled, Van Winkled, Rip Van Winklin', Van Winklin', RvWinked, R Van w-ed,
Ripped van winkled, rVANwin'
6012: Hey man, what's happening?
El Benda: Not much man. It was my day off today, and I spent part of the day Rip van Winkling. Then I got up and did my taxes and pre-ordered some DVDs.
El Benda; You don't have to post before 9am on 'Noth You"
Good: O7, then I'm off to go Van Winklin'. In dreamland, nothing can harm you!
Usages in Popular Culture:

Staring a Wet Bandit and the manager from Angels in the Outfield, these two men middle aged scientists, RANDY and ALBERT who, when not doing research, pine for the days where they can go deep sea fishing. But since the MAN took their cars ("What the heck is 'Collateral, anyway!?!), AND they live in the mountains, they have no means to get to the ocean. Accordingly, they must spend their days doing research, wearing silly hats and smoking cigars. Randy also swears a lot. He might have torrettes?
However, one day, these scientists discover the truth. Global warming is happening at a much more advanced rate than expected. We're talking 10,000x faster (yeah, looking at you LIBERAL MEDIA AND AL GORE. YOU DROPPED THE BALL ON THIS ONE!). So, like all good science movies, the two subject themselves to their own research. They chemically induce a 14 hour sleep session by eating a lot of greasy, fried food. After putting a sign on their lab, "Gone Rip van Winklin'", the two get in their cots fall asleep.
When they wake up half-a-day later, the world has flooded. The icecaps have melted and everyone in low lying areas are dead. Here is the actual script from the final scene in the movie:
An alarm rings. Randy reaches over and hits the snooze button.
(Fade out)
The alarm clock beeps again. Randy and Albert wake up. They each lean up and move to sit at the ends of their respective cots.
A pause.
The two men look at each other. Randy gets up and walks towards the window.
Man, I'm tired.
Randy begins to aggressively swear under his breath.
Yeah. Been Rip van Winklin'.
Man, I'm tired.
Randy begins to aggressively swear under his breath.
Yeah. Been Rip van Winklin'.
Randy arrives over to the window. He yawns, and rubs his eyes, then stares out the window in awe. The entire countryside is covered in water. Randy begins to excessively swear again.
Albert gets up and walks over to the window, and his jaw drops when he sees the formerly mountainous landscape covered in water.
Everyone's dead!
Cue "OOOOOH" laugh track (ex; saved by the bell make-out audience track)
Awkward pause.
The two men turn around and run to the door and grab their fishing poles. They each put on silly hats and fire up two fine Cuban cigars.
Randy arrives over to the window. He yawns, and rubs his eyes, then stares out the window in awe. The entire countryside is covered in water. Randy begins to excessively swear again.
Everyone's dead!
Awkward pause.
The two men turn around and run to the door and grab their fishing poles. They each put on silly hats and fire up two fine Cuban cigars.
Randy / Albert:
In a joint action, the men tear off the "Gone Van Winklin' sign together. They turn and give a 'thumbs up' to the screen.
The image freezes, and a sweet Duran Duran track begins to play. Roll Credits.
Man, I loved that movie....
The image freezes, and a sweet Duran Duran track begins to play. Roll Credits.
Man, I loved that movie....
1 comment:
Last time I checked, when he wasnt managing the Angels in Anaheim, he was off being Mel Gibson's Sidekick, While Joe Peshi was begging for any attention the screen would give him.
Danny Glover is amazing.
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