As I'm sure you know, the internet is FULL of facts. We're talking useful information here, people! Where else can you find the average rainfall in Ames, Iowa (40 Gallons per 3 months) OR how much sliced turkey costs in Nepal (2.34 Wepalz per LB)
So, in lieu of this blog's infancy and the immense power of the inter-web, lets spread some more ideas. This is the information superhighway, isn't it?
Three Facts about Good:
1. Invented the phrase, "An Apple a day keeps the doctor away" after he found his big league arm was great at throwing apples at the heads of overzealous surgeons.
2. Can make a mean Turduken. We're talking TASTY!
3. Was Tony Danza's hand/back stand in on the set of "Who's the Boss".
Three Fun Facts about El Benda
1. Invented suspenders during the Depression in reaction to the dramatic rise of belt costs.
2. Has spooned with many great foreign dignitaries and world leaders. (Too bad he doesn't kiss and tell.)
3. Won 154 consective games of Battleship between the years 2002-2008
Three Fun Facts about 6012
1. Defied the laws of physics when he rollerbladed UP the side of the Met-Life Building in 1999.
2. Is a 4x US Competitive Crossbow Champion.
3. Drives a LeBaron. And, coincidently, happens to be the number 1 son.
So there you go. You know the three of us that much better.
Be glad. You have now been graced with knowledge. And if G.I Joe taught us anything, its that....

1 comment:
Here's what I found, after three weeks of research:
Step 1: Challenge the bear to a game of Parcheesi. (The bear is not allowed to refuse, because of the Old Bear Code)
Step 2: While the Bear decides which color pieces to pick, kick him in the nuts and take his Charleston Chew.
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