Monday, August 17, 2009

Dating Tips 701: Gauging her/his intellect. . .with jokes!

Do you know what iambic pentameter is? I do. I learned about it when I was in the seventh grade.

If your date didn't pay attention during middle school, chances are, he or she is a dink.

Here's how to find out if your date is worth the wait.

Step 1: Seek an opportunity to say, "I am".

Step 2: Say, "I am" (brief pause) "bic pentameter".

Step 3: Wait for either a laugh, or a dumb blank stare.

Step 4: Nod and thrust your chest in approval, or tell your date he/she has been Lemon Law'd (refer to Barney in How I Met Your Mother).

*The best way to say 'I am' is after a question. For example, your date asks, "Are you lemonade?" You aptly respond, "I am." (Don't forget to follow with "bic pentameter")


Flash said...

Your standards are too high; have you ever actually met a woman who knew what iambic pentameter was?

Maybe you could ease them into the water? something like...

woman friend: "What's your favorite snack?"

good: "i try to eat healthy...every now and then i might have a fig- ure of speech."'d never even make it to iambic pentameter after a comment like that...

K said...

Sir Twombs, your mirth is bold and greatly 'rote

More fun than to see man, hit in the scrote

I'm getting a nametag that says "Bic Pentameter."